'NEW POEMS' represents a departure for me from previous writing. the lines are more normative syntactally & poems are constructed with different strategies. here, i speak directly to the reader, saying what is on my mind and emotions, in simple language. these poems are meant to be understood--i hope you enjoy reading them!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


by Peter Ganick
© 2015 Autumn 2015

new poem 3.1

remain formal.
be aware of thoughtfuls of char-pits.
the tarn is wide.
a parallel memory is glossed over.
adamant to the endgame—hola & chokeberry.
whitely commencing & rarely so.
called an imperious teacher.
the ghat.
the occiput.
one hundred asleep counting.
don'1 look.
no township.

new poem 3.2

he narrowly flees rare indices,
somatic rulerates are grieving.
the salute is behind intention,
briars waive consequences of a heroiade in a fore-begone room.
for what pretense are we gilding a gelding.
the comparison of charm compares with an intolerable decorum---
steep light parries its trustworthy phenomena.
call it attitude [sort of] pre-made & coerced.
blind indian wisemen seek the alphabet'd likening to kelp.

new poem 3.3

moot preciousness labeled might as one of its indelible chores.
aver the publicity notified with salute therein fortressed.
no walls against meddlers’ burlap
how is the carnival silent for a moment?
the sequence is then and now from had been to promised.
the way out is nowhere.

new poem 3.4

hybridous talens are for payment.
here’s the rent.
echo after echo, thoughtful emo,
while a bloss fulsome raiment adopts ghostly paradigms of truancy
the plodding materializes a numb clot over amounts of the phenomena’s double renderings holed up in an abnormal parking lot.
numerous defiances blot a retuning.
my manners pollute holdings bottled uptown—glowing preaching downtown.
there’s a clutter everywhere listening to music hurled through the cosmos,
hoops and larks distort euphoric bluets knowing silence is not final—it is closed through some appreciable motor-skills.
nothing else scavenged would fit the form when plus/minus labors are totaled.
the appliances are borrowed.
we are all borrowed.
so we harrow and yammer—
a pliable commencement leads to fiery blasts of liberation yielding silence without emptiness!
the fulfillment is still to combine with intent.
hundreded over a climb of standards,
another attitude is balanced before hybrids begin to invent invasions of bluntness.

new poem 3.5

i do not write of ennui anymore.
a state of mind is what experience holds in common with sideways steps over the monday.
what is a monday?
a difficult song together-singing being rendered.
a wide-proof enduring salute & rhythm to theatre’s orbit.
more the collaborations of innocences with a tattoo shop gracing no cluttered lines on skin-defining solace as being here within space & time’s rodeo.

new poem 3.6

oblique motion vanishes [blunted} from asterisk so brimful.
the tide of parry & flaunt begins this joist so oversold.
i announced an immense location so psychologically obssessed.
i am a bard of hypnogogic redaction.
this opaque methodology is hypothetical to tidy presentations.
hula hoops make sorties over the wall of silence defining addenda.
inner streets of the mind arrive confiscated without enforcement.
so on & on & further it goes—the compulsion startles what’s held in face of old symphonies.
theories doff crushed hats—bloss to their fabulosity.
who held mindstyles so wide so brimful?
who bartered with happenstance?
what was the case for innuendo so random?
hello is shampooed in oversight of denials.
so & so & so.

new poem 3.7

where contextualizing the middle—
then creeping through overstock that embarrases vulcanizes attends the precedent flying far-reaching the distance blown awry.
politic answers are threefold-unrolling carpets.
omega deals alphabetics in wrappers,
even the amount is reluctant —
insomnia deploys hubris wherever hubris will go.
this is the part you’d call somewhat oceanic.
a rattan basement would hold more artifacts.
what is a collection of artifacts other than a sobriquet for eclectic dominos?
mundane thoroughfares behold nature as the demander implyies selection before declension.

new poem 3.8

contra the role-playing karma,
there but for the gringo i are.
the role-player impends creature-comforts.
no one brings downtown hefping cultural elements.
medicate the dwarf mandate.
what me in a mobius-like dwelling?
the beginning is clear,
we cannot know the endgame.

new poem 3.9  

1] full blue moon in gloucester
confidential to the opal racetrack.

as moot as a smooth saloon
they degrammatize the defensive strain.

through release of tiathic envelopes
their dictum constructs blick-bling.

mandalas encourage intention to
consider & srrive.
but where is obvious.
we are all there—
all here.

some various commentary of tools speak of what was
abstract phenomena,
recurring to speak of comma-variables.

detente contrary to evidence
the temporal/eternal concurrence of print.

in a briar often sketched we are sleepily
spotless to karma, tutenkamen’s coil.

so cares the shoes of a vicar.

new poem 3.10

nine totals intellitext as immersion.
planet rime on the glass edge.
the millenary is bookishly debating with hopping frogs.
whose litigant is the chalk-white hand?
& just because having the motor-skills
sometimes is not enough.
motive arrangements fall through attending cloud-covers behaving responsibly wheedling a fermented logician.
call it sneeze to what you like.
a mountain of mouths to feed to treasures-in-hiding.
following though is the issue here.

new poem 3.11

knight takes rook’s pawn, or some such other.
blue-green is in the room-surround.
on the outside or from the inside?
knowledge dawns slowly.
the heart muscle blushes.
lines change—roaming changes,
there is no wisdom to writing poetry.
the previous line is not true.
& even if it conveys opinion.
it is not mine.

new poem 3.12

children use the word “why” frequently.
an adults have to consider if it is an imposition.
perhaps it will alienate.
last night i slept three and a half hours.
who the agent and the one receiving?
that it is mostly knowable is no mystery,
the big one big one is a longing for a personism.

new poem 3.13

the role of feral conduct iterates melancholy—
a rondele-pitched bulletin wanders immerses collates.
dust-can poem, follow-ups are called in all senses ‘feedback’.
give food back to the radiant heat-producers
some pages wear out their welcome mat going in the wrong direction.
the city empties out for summer-shine.
in so seeking a smartphone the world dumbs downtown by email-me beginning their name.
imagine the world in a blog stored in an otter dam.
swimming forcefully on another occasion—
swimming the hundred-thousand islands’ silent neutrality.

new poem 3.14

i am encircled with love—so says the mystic.
somewhere there is music.
i can send it anywhere i like.
perhaps or perhaps not.
that is not a logical conundrum—it is a choice.
my mind opens to unit-awareness.
contrasts define episodes’ impetuousness.
someone arrives to the back porch.
the dog runs back and forth.
i don’t know anything.

new poem 3.15

a swarm of pebbles writes elixir-behaving nothings.
liable to crash on bagatelles self-immersion while talking.
held tandem—the replica can be modest.
it opines ‘meow’ gracefully.
pleonastic home-front.
gapped nightshade where defensible.
moods implode hourly--then scamper.
awaits if a gated city, notions while demanding notions.
believers nettle amazement hundred times overload.
weeds in the front garden are not singular--we distribute any ilk removable.
it was once another ideation waited for indication and was not.
a total awareness of sound through sense-defined manners.
geeks wear tee-shirts dyed black & orange with inked cloth.
halloween wakes to attendance its threefold attitudes network on holidays also.
i sit in the same place, joining yearlong rapidity, with pelicans and seagulls.

new poem 3.16

held-in-transit tuesday—
walked through awash in an nth of paradigms.
the notion wah-wah-oeuvre plasticene-metal-and-cuckoo.
how does a threshing stampede establish fondnesses.
there fools gympish & holy ascribe work to rationality.
vocation imitates relationships—or iffiness is backwards.
intrepid agora—world & signal neutrality pushes a wheelchair where ‘when’ begins its receipt for data.
begins wiring domes for hubris.
the ruddered ship has no motor-skills emanating ourselves into the air.
a month of precedent reveals snowfall on the jnanin’s episode.
‘l’estranger’ clocks days & months—
renascent rumors alter waiting.
replacement mirrors hold onto an advice wiring haptic veils.
why not derive a forgiveness beholden to attentive precedent.

new poem 3.17

cortez & why whytofore comes to mind.
in barter this wave awaiting another.
contrastive amulet.
late bloomer.
dossier thereintofore for waiting milliseconds later.
agonist on guitar, that killer of guitar skiffle.
aptitude singing soaring motiveless except to scoff at multiform plebians.
duffers, all, emulating voices from improbability
voices from removed arrangements.
we walk downstairs then outside to a chair to write.
three and one make four, but why?
has it always been like that?
even before the universe?
this is a presentation from mac text-edit
on a porch from this road.
it is impulsion to continue that capitulates
& blots out camaraderie,
an island of dog-barks interrupts the buzz of crickets.
waiting on the moment, so meanders the less than one.
more than ten billion.
out here on this screened porch the mosquitos keep their distance
knowing full well to be here is to be on an island highway.
disturb nothing, do not disturb.

new poem 3.18

a stymie from and to.
try to read a schedule of ministrations from potency.
who defends amounts of presence there opening?
a syntax-summit releases persistence dominating leonine clashes.
rams lock horns on a frozen tundra.
holding steady—the fable of affect is thought to be else & more perfect.
it is not.
some frantic melody zipped the mouth of mindstyle.
descriptive announcements have beads on the neck of a woman.
yon befuddlement is rated geologic moodswing.
senses reverie sturm und drang hold more & more.
when simpatico, thresholds, portals, dramatic pauses—
ixnay on a address not visible from the road.
is a rostrum or what it is.
no answer is forthcoming—i don’t like the role placed over me.
actually many roles, so many situations, there contrasting hand held in
emulating previous accuracies.

new poem 3.19

seeing irony glow frankly opens meddlesomeness.
a concern for bulletins mitigates the context applied.
elemental, dear mall-a-be-free.
so green the forest immerses clothes-horses where they may.
‘sheep may safely…’, wrote j s bach.
a lozenge waits ornately for the mouth that feeds it.
hola!—i was a mirror wherever i wished to be,
rain, torrential rain—
where did you grow to in the underbrush?
so, who are you to talk & write like this—
even having a computer speak your lines?
or else i walk away natural & sheepish—
wounded before a cloud can catch fire.

new poem 3.20

until the mosquitos become moonlight,
how transited the flare offering a soapbox million to you,
is the notion without broaching of difficulty.
mindstylism everywhere.
people the flame offhand portal to the ministrations of glissandi.
so epilogues decant amulets one by one over the capitals of big countries.
extremism agrees to redefine treaded mirages’ meaning.
a legume grows in brooklyn nearly every day.
previously, thousands of waking sounds were remitted in person.
four hundred people in the audience tonight.
thank you for being here.

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